Sunday, July 16, 2006

I was able to hear Phil and Friends <--- click
play at the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion
what a great place to catch a show.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I like to walk and one day in florida this
pelican flew solo by the sun . I was walking solo
for hours that day,content , with sound of the ocean , the breeze,just me.

Music In Motion
This is a reflection of a palm tree in a mud puddle

Recently I was invited to hang with a band named
A difference<-- click This photo was taken during sound check.we all set up camp on 75 acres of privateland , soaked up the sun and the music ,man
what a great time. look forward to it next year.

Reflection Of Music JoMiCo<--click JoMiCo is a Florida band this photo is of Jose his image is captured on the back of a black guitar .
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