Friday, December 29, 2006

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Yesterday, after completing some assignments dealing with subject of interactive media, for a course I’m taking, I started to do some reading in the Scene ( a local paper that advertises the events that will be happing in the area ) and I decided to go out too the Grogshop (music venue) , I went but before I reached the top of the hill on Coventry, were the Grogshop is located. I could see the red and blue lights spinning yep police had block my path, apparently the winds knocked out the power lines and police had roads block off. When I arrived to the area that the Grogshop is located, lights out, note on the door come back at ten. I didn’t have a plain B so I started to look for a paper to find out what else might be of interest. While I was looking for a paper in the gas station , I over heard copper ( police officer) say he was watching the judge’s home, who lives in the area , apparently his life has been threaten as of late and with the electric out he became nervous that an attempt on his life was possible.

Once I found a paper I stopped in a place that makes pitas, and ordered a tea, they didn’t have anything warm to drink but the young cat who took my order, on his own came up with the idea to warm the tea up, one way to get a Tip, not that he was aiming for money. When I gave him the 3 dollars to keep, you could tell he doesn’t get tipped often or at all. I knocked the cold off and sipped the tea and tried to decide where now. I live for nights that become more of a spontaneous journey, some of the greatest memories in my life our experience like the one I am describing. Its nights like these when I meet people, and who sometimes allow me to photograph them or simply connect, and I find my self months latter on a different path in life, because of that spontaneous evening.

I drove back to downtown Cleveland, parked the car and strapped the camera on. My first stopped happen because man it was cold. The wind blew me off the streets, and into a bar, stepped too the bar and ordered a coffee, once I warmed up, paid Tom, my bartender and asked what was in walking distance. Tom gave a couple suggestion , out I went in the cold , it must have been around 10 or so , and the city was waking up and events were ending, streets were full of traffic. I walked couple blocks and could hear some live music drifting onto the side walk; I then could see two guys playing guitar and singing.

The bar was full,the music along with cold pulled me into the bar, I sat for couple drinks and decided to go and see what else I could get into. I ended up at the House of Blues, a band was playing, the audience was dancing and spirits were festive. I was not hired to photograph this band but cant resist when I see stage lights, I did meet most of them between sets flipped a card and hope they leave their info, so I can someday enjoy there performance again.

I drove home late , the drive out of a city late at night, when your one of few on the road, the lights the overpasses , some jazz 90.3 on the radio ,left with my own thoughts of the evening, the sudden silent after a show ya man and a couple great shots from the event. Life is good , live love and love what you do . I hope I stumble on the band that will lead me to a 20 year tour of documenting the haps that surround them.

The sun is descending and I’m about to pack my equipment up for the road, I’m going back out tonight . Cleveland bound for the Grogshop to see the performance by the Brazilian girls ,and also a band by the name MI.Fu.Ne

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